Sunday, December 21, 2008

To the windoooow...

To the wall! Ah ski ski ski ski ski ski!

Important update: I learnt to ski! The bejingillion hours of travel time were well worth it.

  • Carol Hogan for waiting for me and teaching me and helping me not get discouraged in spite of my ignorant, arrogant, and retarded statements to you about skiing upside down and going off jumps. Even though they were jokes. Regardless, for the record, your actions displayed great carolter.
  • Austin Parsons for planning the entire thing. I've seen snow twice before the trip, never skied before, never been on a mountain before.

1st day: Greens and blues. Less than 20 falls
2nd day: Greens and blues w/ Brian Durham = pwnd. 4 falls from ski lift dismounting and line waiting, 3 falls on the actual slopes
3rd day: Myriad of falls doing blue-blacks and blacks.

Mark Zobeck: Why did our bedroom need a lock on the door? I concede you are a better snowboarder than I am a skier, but only because I slacked off on the 2nd day. Score is 1 to 1.

Irony: My wipeouts were a bigger adrenaline rush than going down the mountain succesfully. Yay positive reinforcement.

Deep part: If you aren't falling you aren't learning.

Teaser: Get ready for some sulfurously stanky leggs from the streets of vicky this Christmas.


The_Heart_Beet said...

To the wall!!!
Sounds like y'all had a blast.

I'm slightly jealous.

...I'm coming to V-town soon.

Anonymous said...

regarding your title...


that is all.

Austin said...

youre welcome bud!